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New PostErstellt: 07.09.06, 01:59     Betreff: Re: Y - The Last Man

pia Guerra macht euch Gratissketche

I'm one of those really slow artists who sweat every little detail to the point of unhealthy obsession so taking time out to do a big sketch will hurt the schedule.

So here's what I'll do.

If you send me a backing board I will draw a quick convention style sketch for you for free (you read right, free). It won't be fancy, just the same kind of sketch I'd do for anyone at a con.

Here's what you need to do.

Send your backing board and request (example "I would like a picture of Ampersand please") along with a self addressed stamped envelope to the following:

Pia Guerra
#169 - 2416 Main Street
Vancouver, BC
V5T 3E2

If you are from Canada please add a few stamps to the return envelope. People from the US or other countries can send me those international coupon thingies but really, they tend to pile up so don't worry too much about them and it doesn't cost THAT much to send boards in the mail. Of course if I suddenly become inundated with requests I may change that policy. Please, please put a note on your package saying DO NOT BEND. The PO box I get my mail from will sometimes bend envelopes in order to cram it into that little mailbox and this will ruin your backing board. If you can, add a stiff board of cardboard in there that I include with the return art, just to be safe.

I will do my level best to get art back to you pronto but keep in mind I check my mailbox every week or so. If you don't get a response in like four weeks, drop me an e-mail and kick my butt. It'll be in the next out batch.

What is a backing board anyway?

Backing boards are the acid free pieces of white cardboard you get with bagged comics to keep them from bending. If you don't have one of these you can send a sheet of bristol or art paper. 8x10 or thereabouts is a good size, it keeps postage low and reduces the chances of it getting mangled by the post office. Don't forget to add a piece of stiff cardboard for added security!

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