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Johanna-Merete Creutzberg

Beiträge: 1693

New PostErstellt: 08.01.11, 11:12     Betreff: Re: Ein besonderes Ereignis am 21.12.2010 mit Jonette Crowley in Ägypten

Hier ist ein Auszug aus dem aktuellen Newsletter von Jonette Crowley, leider in Englisch (Birgit Junker will ihn übersetzen, das wäre dann auf ihrer eigenen Webseite zu finden):


    January Update From Jonette

    and the Center for
    Creative Consciousness

    Postcards from the Pyramids

    Thank you, thank you, thank all of you! Literally millions of people connected with our group as we meditated in the Great Pyramid and between the paws of the Sphinx on the December solstice—a day also marked by a total lunar eclipse.  Together we created a Collective Initiation, lifting mankind to a permanently higher frequency, opening doors of possibility.

    Your personal connection was a vital part of the global Initiation. The Great Pyramid is the greatest battery on Earth. This is a most powerful time and a most powerful anchor spot. Our joint meditation and intention was magnified into a global transmission of galactic proportion, re-vibrating the status quo and creating a plasma sort of golden consciousness that we might call the grid of the Christos or the grid of Horus.

    So much happened In Egypt as we prepared ourselves by visiting the many temples along the Nile. It was at so many levels and dimensions that 2 weeks later, I still don’t have words. I am profoundly different in ways that can’t be explained or measured—only experienced. One of our travelers, Renee from Stockholm, summed it up in a few words. “We collectively enabled the start of the new time. In love rests all knowledge and power, a foundation for all of us to our higher consciousness, the door to something more than our curious ego can dream of.”

    There are several ways for you to connect to what was done and experience the energies and openings for yourself.

    1) Watch the two 3-minute videos we filmed, one in front of the Sphinx after we had conducted a ceremony there, and another at dusk in front of the Great Pyramid, just as we were entering for our second time that day. click here to view videos.

    2) We will soon make available audio downloads of all the channelings and ceremonies that we did in Egypt. (We don’t yet know how much we have or what the price will be, but we’ll send out an announcement in the next 2 weeks.)

    3) Look through the  NING site we set up for information and sharing.

    4) Read the small transcript below from part of the ceremony within the King’s Chamber. Sit with your heart open and intent to receive a galactic, collective initiation. The words themselves aren’t as important as the energies that you are opening up to.


    Temple of the Blue Sapphire (The Blue Pyramid) Meditation from the Great Pyramid

    Below this temple is a temple of sapphire blue.  It has been raised to the etheric. The vibrations were taken away when the last initiates left this place, waiting for the new initiates - the initiates who come collectively.  read more ....

Blau, hallo liebe Monika S. fällt Dir was auf?



ICH BIN der ICH BIN, Meister der Neuen Energie, Facilitator, Impulsegeber, Mentor, Tier-Professional - "All is well in all of creation!"

[editiert: 08.01.11, 11:40 von Johanna-Merete Creutzberg]
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