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Johanna-Merete Creutzberg

Beiträge: 1693

New PostErstellt: 28.06.13, 13:04     Betreff: Eine hilfreiche und liebevolle Erinnerung von Tobias.

Crimson Circle
“Spiritual abundance cannot be figured out with a plan from your mind.

Abundance comes when you sit with yourself, when you acknowledge your divinity, when you open up and realize that everything is complete in the moment.

When you stay in the moment, it is filled with abundance.

Right now, in this moment you sit in… having released the issues of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow… the moment you sit in is complete.

Allow yourself to feel it… in this moment that you sit in.

It is not about what happened in the past… or what will happen tomorrow… or worrying about that stack of bills… or worrying about anything else… or screaming to us for answers… but rather sitting in this Divine Moment.

It IS filled with abundance… and healing… and wisdom… and love.

Allow yourself to feel this as we sit here together as Shaumbra.
All things are appropriate… all things are balanced… all things are in the Now.

Such simple lessons, dear friends… such simple lessons there are for you and for all of us. You tend to make them complex.

We tend to take what can be said in a sentence or a paragraph and try to turn it into books.

You take what can be said in a moment of time and try to turn it into hours of lectures.

The best lecture we have seen so far is when you sit in the Now, breathing it in, and then just to sit there for an hour without words, without intellect, without processing. Just breathing in the Now."

Tobias -  The Divine Human Series -  "SHOUD 2: No Death" -  September 14, 2002

Deutsche Übersetzung hier Titel: Tod existiert nicht vom 14.9.2002

ICH BIN der ICH BIN, Meister der Neuen Energie, Facilitator, Impulsegeber, Mentor, Tier-Professional - "All is well in all of creation!"
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