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Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen
Staatsterror durch staatliche Eingriffe in das Familienleben
Verletzung von Menschenrechten, Kinderrechten, Bürgerrechten durch Entscheiden und Handeln staatlicher Behörden im familienrechtlichen Bereich, in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, in der Familienhilfe unter anderem mit den Spezialgebieten Jugendamtsversagen und Jugendamtsterror
Fokus auf die innerdeutsche Situation, sowie auf Erfahrungen und Beobachtungen in Fällen internationaler Kindesentführung und grenzüberschreitender Sorgerechts- und Umgangsrechtskonflikten
Fokus auf andere Länder, andere Sitten, andere Situtationen
Fokus auf internationale Vergleiche bei Kompetenzen und Funktionalitäten von juristischen, sozialen und administrativen Behörden

"Spurensuche nach Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen"
ist ein in assoziiertes Projekt zur
angewandten Feldforschung mit teilnehmender Beobachtung
"Systemkritik: Deutsche Justizverbrechen"

Jugendamtsterror und Familienrechtsverbrechen
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No new posts EXID's Hani's Casual Wedding Guest Look Sparks Discussion
On March 20, EXID member Hani posted several photos on her social media account with the caption " Kang Min-joooo." The photos were presumed to be taken at the waiting room of a wedding venue. In the photos, Hani is wearing a black top and beige pants. She is posing with her legs spread apart and a playful smile on her face, exuding a natural vibe. With her light makeup and hair tied down, Hani's appearance is in contrast to the other EXID members, LE and Junghwa, who are dressed more neatly. LE is wearing a calm-colored outfit with long blonde hair, while Junghwa is wearing a sky blue shirt and skirt, showing off her innocent charm. Hani's post became a hot topic, with various opinions being posted on social media. Many netizens expressed their disappointment, saying, "Her outfit is so casual, I thought it was photoshopped. I can't believe it," and "She's being compared to the other members." However, some people defended Hani's wedding guest look. They said, "The main characters of a wedding are the bride and groom. There's no need for the guests to dress up too much," "It's a congratulatory occasion, so we should just congratulate them," "She'll get criticized no matter what she wears," and "She looks happy." Meanwhile, Hani went public with her relationship with a psychiatrist 10 years her senior, Yang Jae-woong, in October 2022. In 2014, Hani's fancam for "Up & Down" gained massive attention, leading to EXID's successful reverse run. As the "main character of the reverse run," Hani gained popularity through various variety shows and established herself as a top star. Recently, Hani has been showing off her excellent acting skills by appearing in various dramas. [img][/img]
Kaminskii 21.03.24, 08:24
No new posts Dubai`s Real Estate Agancy
Recently we had to urgently find a good Dubai`s Real Estate Agancy for our business so we came across the fact that it is not easy enough. Then a friend recommended this site to us - ! Everything about them is top notch. As far as I'm concerned, you won't find anything better now. Hurry up and see them.
Kaminskii 18.03.24, 09:03
No new posts Buy hookah mashisha
If you still don't know where it makes the most sense to buy a good hookah in Dubai, then I can tell you as a hookah shop owner that the best conditions are here - [url=]Buy hookah mashisha[/url] ! You'll be satisfied with a delicious hookah.
Kaminskii 15.03.24, 09:30
No new posts Immobilien in Übersee
Ich habe viel Mühe und Zeit investiert, um so viele Informationen wie möglich zum Thema Immobilien in Übersee zu finden. Nachdem ich nun alles ausgewertet habe, was auf dem Markt angeboten wird, kann ich mit Sicherheit sagen, dass es am meisten Sinn macht, auf diese Seite zu gehen - ! Die Preise beginnen bei 24.600 Dollar. Klingt für mich wie ein perfektes Angebot.
Kaminskii 04.03.24, 08:37
No new posts Wie kann ich den Broker dazu bringen, das Geld zurückzugeben
Wenn Sie an möglichst vielen Informationen zum Thema "Wie kann ich den Broker dazu bringen, das Geld zurückzugeben" interessiert sind, dann kann ich Ihnen hier die vertrauenswürdigen Jungs von dieser Seite nun getrost empfehlen - ! Hier finden Sie eine Reihe von wertvollen und nützlichen Informationen, die Ihnen in Zukunft helfen werden.
Kaminskii 20.02.24, 10:25
No new posts Download financial application for free on Android
Quite a lot of effort and time my friend spent to find a site where you could Download financial application for free on Android. So that you do not have such problems, I can safely recommend you to go straight here - ! You won't find anything better right now.
Kaminskii 12.02.24, 09:27
No new posts Understanding the Technical Requirements for Visa Photos
If you are interested in the topic Understanding the Technical Requirements for Visa Photos, it makes the best sense to go to this site right now - ! I got a lot of information that I found useful. You will not find anything better now !
Kaminskii 25.01.24, 10:52
No new posts new homes in East London
To find information on new homes in East London, you can utilize various resources. Here are some steps you can take: Online Real Estate Platforms: Explore popular online real estate platforms like Rightmove, Zoopla, or OnTheMarket. Use search filters to specify "new homes" or "new developments" in East London. Local Estate Agents: Contact local estate agents in East London. They often have information about new developments and can help you find suitable new homes. Developer Websites: Visit the websites of property developers known for projects in East London. Developers typically provide details about their current and upcoming developments. Property Magazines and Newspapers: Check property magazines and newspapers that cover the East London real estate market. They may feature advertisements and articles about new homes. Attend Property Exhibitions: Keep an eye on property exhibitions or real estate events in or around East London. These events often showcase new properties, and you can gather information directly from developers. Local Council Planning Portals: Visit the planning portals of local councils in East London. Approved planning applications for new housing developments are often available online. Social Media and Forums: Join local community groups, forums, or social media platforms where residents discuss real estate. You may find recommendations or information about newly built homes in the area. Consult with Real Estate Professionals: Consider working with a local real estate agent who specializes in new developments. They can provide valuable insights and help you navigate the market. Visit Show Homes: If possible, visit show homes of newly built developments. This allows you to get a firsthand look at the properties and discuss options with sales representatives. Remember to verify the information you find and consider visiting show homes or contacting developers directly to get a better understanding of the available options. Real estate market conditions can change, so staying updated with the latest information is crucial. [url=]new homes in East London[/url] [img][/img]
Kaminskii 23.01.24, 13:22
No new posts Kit Mifepriston + Misoprostol
Kaufen Sie ein MSA-Kit in den USA oder Europa: Mifepriston und Misoprostol sind zwei weitere Medikamente, aus denen diese Kombinationspille besteht. Mifepriston ist ein Anti-Hormon-Medikament, das die Wirkung von Progesteron blockiert. Es wird bei therapeutischen Schwangerschaftsabbrüchen eingesetzt. Misoprostol ist eine wirksame Methode, um die Intensität der Kontraktionen in der Gebärmutter zu erhöhen. Mit einem Bekannten verbrachte eine Menge Mühe und Zeit auf der Suche, so dass jetzt der beste Ort, um sie zu kaufen ist hier - [url=]Kit Mifepriston + Misoprostol[/url] ! Sie sind jetzt die Besten auf dem Markt für solche Dienstleistungen!
Kaminskii 23.01.24, 11:35
No new posts pepe coin price prediction
I spent a lot of effort and time with a friend to search for information on the topic of cryptocurrency and coins in which it makes sense to invest money. So now I have chosen - [url=]pepe coin price prediction[/url] ! Hurry up and see them ! You won't find anything better now !
Kaminskii 15.01.24, 09:58
No new posts Watch sports live free
If you are interested in spending your free time watching football matches online, then I can recommend this site - watch sports live free ! I use it all the time, it's my favourite !
Kaminskii 29.12.23, 10:33
No new posts How to make a escape game
If you need to find as much information as possible on How to make an escape game, then I can tell you from my own vast experience that the best thing to do is to go to this site - ! I got a lot of useful information from them !
Kaminskii 20.12.23, 10:53
No new posts IBAN-Rechner
Ein [url=]iban rechner[/url] ist ein nützliches Tool, um die International Bank Account Number (IBAN) für ein Bankkonto zu generieren oder zu überprüfen. Die IBAN ist eine standardisierte internationale Kennung für Bankkonten und wird in vielen Ländern verwendet, um internationale Transaktionen zu erleichtern. Es gibt zahlreiche IBAN-Rechner online, die kostenlos zur Verfügung stehen. Du kannst einfach nach "IBAN-Rechner" in einer Suchmaschine suchen, um verschiedene Optionen zu finden. Diese Rechner erfordern normalerweise einige grundlegende Informationen wie das Land, in dem sich das Konto befindet, die Bankleitzahl (BLZ) oder den Bankcode und die Kontonummer. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass der IBAN-Rechner auf korrekte Informationen angewiesen ist, um eine genaue IBAN zu generieren. Daher solltest du sicherstellen, dass die eingegebenen Daten korrekt sind, um eine fehlerfreie IBAN zu erhalten. Bitte beachte, dass Sicherheit bei der Nutzung solcher Online-Tools wichtig ist, insbesondere wenn du sensible Bankinformationen eingibst. Verwende vertrauenswürdige und sichere Quellen, um einen IBAN-Rechner zu verwenden, um deine persönlichen Daten zu schützen.
Kaminskii 11.12.23, 11:16
No new posts Сrypto processing
If you are interested in all that concerns sgurto processing, you in such a situation it is best for you to go to this site - ! The guys have the best conditions on the market for such services ! I am satisfied with the final result !
Kaminskii 05.12.23, 14:04
No new posts Helping to combat propaganda
If you need a site for Helping to combat propaganda, the best place to go is here ! Everything is at the highest level ! The guys are professionals ! I recommend !
Kaminskii 01.12.23, 11:17
No new posts Casino
If you are going to start playing casino online, I would advise you in such a situation to try yourself here ! They have cool conditions ! I have not found anything better yet ! [img][/img]
Kaminskii 28.11.23, 09:05
No new posts Official Chinese Translations
Translix Translation Services Now Offers Expert Chinese Translations In an increasingly interconnected world, effective communication across language barriers is paramount for businesses, individuals, and organizations alike. Recognizing the growing demand for seamless linguistic solutions, Translix Translation Services is proud to announce its expanded repertoire of services to include expert Chinese translations. This strategic move not only reinforces our commitment to providing comprehensive language solutions but also caters to the increasing need for accurate and culturally nuanced translations in one of the world's most widely spoken languages. The Significance of Chinese Translations: China's global economic influence, cultural richness, and technological advancements have made the Mandarin language a key player in international communication. Whether engaging in business negotiations, reaching out to a diverse audience, or fostering global collaborations, accurate and culturally sensitive Chinese translations are indispensable. Translix's commitment to linguistic excellence ensures that our clients can now navigate the intricate nuances of the Chinese language with confidence. Expertise in Diverse Fields: At Translix, our team of experienced translators is well-versed in a wide array of fields, including business, legal, technical, medical, and creative industries. This ensures that our clients receive not only accurate translations but also content that resonates with the specific context and terminology of their respective industries. Our linguistic experts are native Chinese speakers with a profound understanding of both the language and the cultural intricacies, ensuring that your message is not just translated, but truly understood. Cultural Sensitivity: Understanding the cultural nuances of a language is crucial for delivering translations that resonate with the target audience. Translix Translation Services takes pride in its commitment to cultural sensitivity, ensuring that our Chinese translations go beyond mere linguistic accuracy. Whether it's adapting marketing materials, legal documents, or technical manuals, our team integrates cultural context seamlessly, enhancing the effectiveness and impact of the translated content. Cutting-Edge Technology: Translix leverages cutting-edge translation technology to enhance efficiency and accuracy in our services. Our use of machine-assisted translation tools, combined with the expertise of our human translators, allows us to deliver high-quality Chinese translations with speed and precision. This fusion of technology and human insight ensures that our clients receive translations that meet the highest standards in the industry. Client-Centric Approach: Translix Translation Services places client satisfaction at the core of its operations. Our client-centric approach involves clear communication, timely delivery, and a commitment to meeting the unique needs of each client. Whether you're a multinational corporation, a startup, or an individual seeking translation services, Translix ensures a personalized and efficient experience. Conclusion: With the inclusion of Chinese translations in our service portfolio, Translix Translation Services stands poised to be your partner in breaking down language barriers and facilitating effective global communication. Our dedication to linguistic excellence, cultural sensitivity, and cutting-edge technology positions us as a reliable ally for individuals and businesses seeking to navigate the complexities of the Chinese language. Trust Translix to be your bridge to successful cross-cultural communication.
Kaminskii 20.11.23, 08:59
No new posts Nachhilfelehrer in Stuttgart
Es ist so eine Zeit, in der mein Kind eine Nachhilfe in Stuttgart für Mathe finden musste. Also habe ich mich an viele Stellen gewandt, und die besten Bedingungen waren hier - ! Mein Sohn ist sehr zufrieden! Jetzt gewinnt er Mathe-Olympiaden!
Kaminskii 15.11.23, 12:48
No new posts Bit gpt ai
최근 거래 경제학에 추가된 BitGPT는 최신 OpenAI GPT4 인공 지능 기술을 사용하여 거래 기회를 알려주는 암호화폐 거래 로봇입니다. 앱 알고리즘은 잠재적으로 긍정적인 거래 결과를 나타낼 수 있는 패턴 확증을 찾기 위해 시장을 스캔합니다. [url=]bit gpt ai[/url] [img][/img]
Kaminskii 09.11.23, 10:56
No new posts Cooking classes in New York City
Get together with your friends and family to cook delicious gourmet cuisine under the guidance of our chefs! Book a gastronomic adventure at Culinary Studio Battle of tables! Celebrate any occasion in a unique way: book a romantic date, birthday party, birthday party for adults in private cooking class NYC and more. Let us show you how fun cooking can be!
Kaminskii 09.11.23, 10:33
No new posts Easy Withdrawals
If you need to find as much information about Easy Withdrawals as possible, it makes the best sense to go to this site - ! They are very much competent at questions Securely store your digital assets including USDT, ETH, BTC, BNB, BUSD, and USDC. Hurry up and see them ! I liked everything !
Kaminskii 06.11.23, 11:00
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Kaminskii 02.11.23, 10:44
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Lange Zeit habe ich nach einer guten App gesucht, mit der ich das VPN wechseln kann. Ich habe also im Laufe der Jahre Erfahrungen mit verschiedenen Anwendungen gesammelt. Jetzt ist mein Favorit - [url=]VPN[/url] ! Die Bedingungen sind ausgezeichnet! Ich empfehle für alle !
Kaminskii 01.11.23, 11:06
No new posts pin up kz быстрая регистрация
Я давно хотел начать играть в казино, но что то последнее время мне ничего толкового не удавалось найти, так вот, оценив все то, что нам сейчас предлагают на рынке азартных услуг, я остановился тут [url=]pin up kz быстрая регистрация[/url] ! У них оказались самые крутые условия для быстрого заработка денег !
Kaminskii 30.10.23, 10:59
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Вы знаете, если вы азартный человек, то я бы вам лучше всего советовал бы начать играть в казино онлайн [url=]БК Пин-Ап бонусы[/url] ! Это будет очень выгодно, вы будете тратить на работу очень мало времени, при этом будете получать достойные деньги !
Kaminskii 30.10.23, 09:55
No new posts Rent a Car in LGA
Now is such an unstable time that it is quite difficult to Rent a Car in LGA, so so that you do not waste time on unscrupulous companies, I would confidently recommend that you go to this site - ! Their conditions are excellent! I am their regular customer! [img][/img]
Kaminskii 19.10.23, 11:43
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I have spent quite a lot of effort and time trying to find a sensible shop where you can buy Auto spares ! So now by my own vast experience I can safely recommend these guys to you ! They have a huge selection and super bargain prices ! I'm satisfied !
Kaminskii 02.10.23, 10:21
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If you are looking for a cool casino to make money fast, I would advise you in such a situation to try yourself here [url=]joy casino online[/url] ! They can raise a lot of money in a short period of time, and you do not need to have any superpowers !
Kaminskii 25.09.23, 09:46
No new posts Tipsta - sport predictions
If you love sports and would like to raise a lot of money in this way, then I would strongly recommend that you go to this site - [URL=""]Tipsta - sport predictions[/URL] ! All at the highest level ! [img][/img]
Kaminskii 22.09.23, 11:40
No new posts GG Bet
Wiesz, jeśli masz taką sytuację, że pilnie potrzebujesz dużo pieniędzy, to pilnie radziłbym ci spróbować swoich sił w przyzwoitym kasynie online ! Osobiście gram w nich przez bardzo długi czas! Warunki są po prostu świetne, nigdzie tak szybko nie zbierasz pieniędzy jak u nich! Zdecydowanie polecam wszystkim, aby tu poszli!
Kaminskii 22.09.23, 10:19
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