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what is that MAR-8 driver

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-07-01, 07:41 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Aptamil Kindermilch 1 plus ab 1 Jahr...
auf den ersten Blick ist diese Schaltung narrensicher ...
1,9V sagst du... merkwürdig.

Ich habe mir das Datenblatt vom MC1458 angesehen.
Was mich furchtbar stört:

-Der MC1458 HAT KEINE Rail-to-Rail Ausgänge!
Wie soll der Ausgang auf null gehen, wenn diese Schaltung einen 08/15-OPAMP enthält?

- Wie zu Teufel kommen die bei dem Messverstärker auf eine Bandbreite bis 10GHz?!? Einfach lächerlich, diese Angabe.
Der OPAMP MC1458 hat max. 1MHz.
Ok, letztendlich wird nur Gleichspannung verarbeitet und auf einem Messgerät angezeigt, aber trotzdem... tz tz tz.

- Und nicht mal richtig rechnen können die, die Verstärkung geht von 1-121 ;-)

Der Richtkoppler gefällt mir.
Da ich nicht viel mit Funk zu tun habe, kannte ich bis jetzt sowas gar nicht ;-)
Bestechend einfacher Aufbau, wie er funktioniert ist völlig klar :-)

MfG Richard

[edited: 2004-07-01, 08:31 PM CET by richy_64]
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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-07-01, 07:57 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Ich würde in den Messverstärker mal einen LM358 einbauen.
Der ist pinkompatibel und hat den Vorteil, dass er mit der Ausgangsspannung bis "- Rail" kann.
D.h. bei einer Versorgungsspanung von 15V kann der Ausgang von 0 bis +13,5V gehen (bis "+ Rail" kann er nicht, aber das brauchen wir ja auch nicht).

MfG Richard

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Messages: 412
Location: South-West-G

New PostCreated: 2004-07-02, 07:50 PM CET  Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

ja danke .... muss mal sehen wo der Fehler ist .... irgendwie
kann man nur Analoge Messwerke ansteuern (Laut Hersteller)... seltsamer
signalverlauf ??? also thema -- echteffektiv???ist aber auf
meinem Oszi schön glatt DC....??? ... aber eigentlich sollte es ja nur eine Gleichspannung sein,,, die
da frisch aus dem Kondensator kommt.

Muß mich morgen mal in der Stadtbücherei Stuttgart belesen ...



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Knecht Ruprecht

Messages: 18

New PostCreated: 2004-07-14, 08:49 AM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  


I had tried a couple of circuits but it wouldn't work, can one can tell me how to check ?

If I had a noise generator + VCO (POS1060) only, will the circuit had a very small output so that when I place the phone very near the circuit, it will jame the phone ?

I tried 2 different noise generator + POS1060 and also POS2120 but can't get any result.

Here the phone system is 900 / 1800 and 1900, do I need to build 3 sets of circuit in order to get it work ?

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-07-14, 02:29 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Hello we300b,
you´re on the right way.
A noise generator and a POS1060 with a small antenna should jam a mobile within a range of at least a meter.
Try the following:
Tune the vco with a constant voltage to get an output frequency around 950MHz. You can use a satellite receiver to measure the vco´s frequency!
Then, modulate the tuning voltage with a small noise signal (coupled with a capacitor, for example). In the result, the tuning voltage should be similar like this:
(I made this picture with a MAX2622. It needs only 2 volts of offset (=tuning) voltage for 950MHz. With a POS1060, you might need 15 to 20 volts.)
It will work.

>>Here the phone system is 900 / 1800 and 1900, do I need to build 3 sets of circuit in order to get it work ?

Yes, unfortunately you have to build a jammer for each system. (Theoreticaly not, but without expensive measurement tools it´s impossible to build a frequency doubler)

Perhaps one jammer could jam both 1800 and 1900MHz with an extended frequency range. But i think such a jammer would not be very effective.


[edited: 2004-07-14, 02:50 PM CET by richy_64]
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New PostCreated: 2004-07-14, 10:28 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Weider Shaker "
just tell me the way how can i know the range of the VCO with the help of s-receiver
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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-07-14, 10:49 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

With a satellite receiver you can easily check the frequency of your vco. Just turn the receiving frequency of the receiver to 950MHz and put your vco circuit in front of the antenna input. When the vco´s frequency comes near to 950MHz, the picture on the TV turns to black.


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New PostCreated: 2004-07-15, 10:42 PM CET  Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

i have PF1040 and mix2623 now just tell me which cricuit easyer for me to made ...in detale plz
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Messages: 412
Location: South-West-G

New PostCreated: 2004-07-16, 11:44 AM CET  Subject:  Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

i couldn't find mix 2623 ????

maybee max **** from maxim???

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Messages: 198

New PostCreated: 2004-07-16, 12:08 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Sorry, i don´t understand what you mean with
...which cricuit easyer for me to made ...?
[Please be more detailed with your postings. I´m not very good in english, too, but try to put your thoughts in more than just one sentence in future.
With every new english posting i do i have to use the dictionary beside of me, so please do the same to let the communication be efficient...]


The next logical step is to modulate the vco with a noise generator (without a power module). This is to test the vco´s function. When you have done all right, the vco should jam a mobile alone in a small range.
Before you havn´t done this, it´s useless/impossible to build a complete jammer.
´we300b´ has the same problems at the monent, as you can read some postings above. You have to do the same.
Some know-how is required, but i can expect this from this board´s people.


[edited: 2004-07-16, 12:25 PM CET by richy_64]
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New PostCreated: 2004-07-16, 10:40 PM CET  Subject: Re: what is that MAR-8 driver  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Der Tote unter der Piazza - Ein Neap...
well friend the problem is that i have Max2623 VCO nokia 2110 power amplifier . that eman i guess i have all the parts .just trying to ask u which cricuit will work on these parts.... like i have jammer 1 and jammer 2 cricuit i have cricuit of ur jammer find on some post here... i hope what i mean

and can u plz tell me is this mar-8 peramplifier if yes the where is it in the new cricuit ?
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