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New PostCreated: 2004-06-26, 11:59 PM CET  Subject: MONITOR ON SIEMENS SL100  print  print thread  recommend Reply with Quotation  

Downton Abbey - Staffel Drei [4 DVDs...
Good morning,
I'm writing from france.
I was working to extend dect phones and I trought it too difficult for me.
In the begining I wanted to add power amplifier but it was very difficult to find the good one.
After I baught in USA ENGENIUS SN 920 long range cordless phones bus the sound was not very good,so I had to abandon these ********phones.
Now I return to the dect project quitely cause too much work.
My project is to have digital cordless phones to communicate with my friends with encryption with a good range.
I baught differents dect phones and now I think the very best dect phones ares the SIEMENS,I have several ones.4010 CONFORT with talkies walkies mode(The handset can call another one directly without the base station) and SL100.
Today,I just want to say that we can activate the monitor mode:
Power on the phone while pushing the 1-4-7 ,after type 76200 code and we can restart the phone
I join the photo service monitor.
I have found a dect antenna but not plugged yet
The first one is my standard antenna 0,1 to 1300MHZ reception(for my radio and the second one is a dect antenna with hight gain founded on a big dect system communications ,it was a big repeater with 2 antenna.
I will send soon photos inside dect phone.


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Messages: 412
Location: South-West-G

New PostCreated: 2004-06-27, 04:31 PM CET  Subject:  Re: MONITOR ON SIEMENS SL100  print  recommend Reply with Quotation  

meci ....

i hear ENGENIUS phones is not as good as it looks like ,,,

how is the range with internal & external antenna ..... i remember the phone with 900 mW of RF ... a lot for a home handheld.

(nice code rate of 1/3)

Your founded DECT system have two directional antennas .....

please send some pictures ,,, i upload it on my page ....

maybee patch antennas ...??? with 180 degree.

a high gain omnidirectional is nice for low bitrate ,,, but hard for DECT ,,,,

because the hight data rate. Think about repeaters that

automatic catch best signal and connected to several directional

antennas & handover without a probleme.



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