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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 12.04.15, 20:34     Betreff: Caught Between ISIS And Assad

Caught Between ISIS And Assad, A Palestinian Refugee Camp Is Starving To Death

The Islamic State militant group moved into Yarmouk, a refugee camp for Palestinians on the outskirts of the Syrian capital city of Damascus, last week. Since then, hundreds of the group's fighters have been battling rival armed groups for control of the camp. IS militants currently appear to hold most of Yarmouk, resisting bombardments by the Syrian army as well as attacks from militias.

The fighting has reduced Yarmouk into a ghost town, with its civilians trapped inside by constant sniper fire and bombardments. Video footage purportedly from Yarmouk residents, collected by Reuters and other media outlets this week, showed the streets near-deserted and bombed to pieces.

But while the utter devastation portrayed in recent images of the camp may come as a shock to many, Yarmouk's descent into ruin actually started years ago. The latest round of fighting brings an already disastrous humanitarian situation in the refugee camp one step closer to full collapse.

13 Palestinian fighters killed as Syria regime battles IS in Damascus

Thirteen Palestinian fighters were killed in Yarmouk refugee camp on Saturday as fighting ensued between the Syrian regime and IS in the battle to defend Damascus, local reporters said.

PLO envoy to Syria Ahmed Majdalani announced Saturday that the current situation in Yarmouk was out of the hands of the Palestinian leadership, and that the Syrian regime has officially engaged in a battle to defend Damascus against the Islamic state group.

The 13 reported dead by local news site Yarmouk Camp News were the first reported dead from the new stage of fighting, but among many to be killed since IS took over the camp on April 1.

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