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New PostErstellt: 22.12.15, 23:45     Betreff: Der türkische Krieg gegen kurdische Zivilisten

"Das Problem ist die Statuslosigkeit Kurdistans" - mit diesem Satz bringt der Co-Vorsitzende der pro-kurdischen Partei HDP, Selahattin Demirtas in einem Interview mit der größten kurdischen Tageszeitung in Europa, Yeni Özgür Politika (YÖP), die aktuelle Lage in den kurdischen Regionen der Länder Türkei, Syrien, Irak und Iran auf den Punkt:

"Die Frage bezüglich der Zukunft der Kurden und Kurdistan ist weltweit eine Frage des politischen Status bzw. der weltweiten Akzeptanz Kurdistans innerhalb der Internationalen Gemeinschaft. Die Kurden müssen unweigerlich einen politischen Status haben. Und dieser Status hat den Namen Staat..."

Turkish soldiers kill a Rojava citizen near the border

urkish soldiers deployed on Akçakale borderline have continued their intermittent attacks on Girê Spî (Tel Abyad) since 24 October.

According to reports coming through, soldiers on Akçakale side of the border have been shelling the asayish (public security) point at Girê Spî border crossing since 19:30 Tuesday evening.

While the attack with heavy weaponry is reported to be going on, no information was immediately available regarding the details.

Tank attacks on Cizre's Cudi neighborhood intensify

People walking to Cizre targeted by artillery fire

Police kill two women in a house raid in Istanbul

Police teams raided a house in Karadeniz neighborhood of Istanbul's Gaziosmanpaşa (GOP) district last night.

Two women in the house were killed by police but their identity is yet not know. Bodies of both have been taken to Forensic Medicine Institution.

While police sources asserted that a gunfight erupted during the raid, reports say that two women were executed. The area has been blockaded and evacuated by police.

Istanbul police have killed 3 women in house raids in the last 4 months.

Thousands marching to Sur attacked by police

People in Amed have brought the life to a standstill today to join a mass march to the central Sur district to break the siege by Turkish forces which continues in its 21st day.

Thousands have gathered outside Metropolitan Municipality building to join the march which is also participated by HDP deputies and co-mayors of DBP-held municipalities. Another group leaving from Çınar district has also arrived in the area.

"Massacre is a state tradition" read a huge banner carried by demonstrators in protest at the ongoing state terror in Kurdish cities and towns.

While police forces heavily blockaded all the streets leading to the municipality area and Şeyh Sait (Dağkağı Square, thousands leaving from Silvan, Hazro, Lice, Kocaköy and Hani districts have gathered on Silvan road and are now heading to Amed in a convoy.

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