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New PostErstellt: 08.01.17, 22:05     Betreff: Record time for genocidal operations in Turkey during 2016

In this past year in Turkey, thousands of people were massacred for a one-man regime, cities were torn down, tens of thousands of people have been arrested for having different opinions than the government.

»Niemand kann sich mehr sicher fühlen«

Gespräch. Mit Sakine Esen Yilmaz. Über fehlende Rechtsstaatlichkeit in der Türkei, Imame, die in Schulen ein- und ausgehen, und ihren Antrag auf Asyl in Deutschland

Foreign volunteer unit fights to save lives in Syria

In September, when northern Syria was still hot enough for sand flies to bite, John Harding sat at a makeshift table of plywood and concrete bricks at a former dairy that is now a base for the People’s Protection Units (YPG). He was telling his favorite story from his second tour serving as a volunteer alongside YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighting IS.

The Syrian city of Manbij had been liberated from IS in mid-August after months of fierce fighting, and the Tactical Medical Unit (TMU), also known by its Kurdish name Yekineyen Bijiski Taktiki — a group of around half a dozen mostly Western volunteers — was approached by a local who was holding one of the many IS mines left in the city.

YPG releases balance sheet of war for 2016

YG said 2016 was a year of great importance for the Rojava Revolution as their forces fulfilled a defense mission along all border lines and joined the operations Wrath of Khabur, Elin and Cudi, Manbij and Wrath of Euphrates within the body of SDF.

YPG announces the death of two volunteers from the UK and Canada

YPG announced that British volunteer fighter Ryan Lock and Canadian volunteer Nazzareno Antonio Tassoned have died in the ongoing fight against ISIS near Raqqa.

Kurds may be the victim of the Russian-Turkish cooperation

Lyon II University faculty member and Washington Institute fellow Middle East expert Fabrice Balanche published an analysis in Le Figaro on the aggreement signed among the regime and the groups they are in conflict with by the mediation of Russia, Iran and Turkey. Balanche underlined that there is a risk that the Kurds may be sacrificed as a result of the Russian-Turkish cooperation.

The analysis was published with the title “Syria: Why the ceasefire doesn’t announce the end of the war” and in it Balanche argues that Turkey has joined the Russia-Iran alliance in a tactical move and that the ceasefire was “so far a success”.

Balanche pointed out that the ceasefire doesn’t include regions under Fatah Al Sham (previously known as Al Nusra) control and foresaw Bashar Asad staying in power until 2021, and stated that the “withdraw” of Asad mentioned in the agreement was “just to lure the West and the Gulf countries to the table”.

Balanche stated that the Ahrar Al Sham gang was added to the agreement with Turkey’s imposition and the radicals in the gangs are opposed to it. Balanche foresaw that the agreement may increase the divide and divisions among the anti-regime groups, primarily Ahrar Al Sham, and underlined that that was in line with the military goals of the Asad regime.

Iraqi Kurdistan oil a slippery issue

Iraqi Kurdistan has been shipping oil to Turkey without Baghdad's knowledge, resulting in Iraq violating an OPEC agreement, according to accusations leveled Jan. 3 by Iraq's prime minister. Also, Iraq recently confirmed that a Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) minister had offered to sell oil fields to Turkey for $5 billion, again without consulting Baghdad.

Meanwhile, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh plans to visit Iraqi Oil Minister Jabbar al-Luaibi next week to discuss cooperative projects related to oil and gas. Chief among these is the establishment of an oil pipeline from the province of Sulaimaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan to Iranian territory.

Kurdish President hosts Turkey’s PM, discuss PKK withdrawal from Sinjar

Turkey’s Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım on Sunday met Kurdish President Masoud Barzani in Erbil, capital of Iraqi Kurdistan, to discuss recent developments in the region.

The withdrawal of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and affiliated groups from the Yezidi region of Shingal/Sinjar in northern Iraq was at the top of the Erbil meeting’s agenda.

Barzani and Yildirim have also discussed the developments of the fight against ISIS.

Turkey’s PM also stressed the importance of the Turkish-Kurdish cooperation in the Bashiqa military base in northern Iraq.

Êzidîs call upon the PKK and the worl

The Democratic Êzidî Society Coordination had held a meeting, with the participation of more than 60 delegates from across Kurdistan, Europe, Russia and Armenia, on Mount Shengal between December 25-28. The coordination issued the final declaration of this meeting, where it described the PKK as the hope of Êzidî people and called upon the guerillas to not withdraw from Shengal.


In its declaration, the coordination emphasized that massacres are not the fate of Êzidî people, who now want to put an end to massacres. For this purpose, the coordination underlined the importance of learning lessons from the latest 74th massacre and drew attention to the necessity of unity and solidarity. The coordination called for initiatives that would unify Êzidî people and achieve a platform and mechanism that represents the will of Êzidîs.


The Democratic Êzidî Society Coordination described Shengal as the motherland of all Êzidîs and called upon Êzidî people to prioritize Shengal in all of their efforts. The coordination called for material and moral support to Shengal, and described the recent debates on Shengal as disturbing and painful. The coordination said ‘Those that have nothing to say to Êzidî people are claiming to take control of the Êzidîs in Shengal and are using the support of the AKP government, who is an enemy of Kurds and Êzidîs. After abandoning Êzidîs to ISIS, they act like nothing has happened and try to establish their rule over Shengal. We demand that the UN, EU and other international organizations function as guarantor parties, and that the PKK, which is an effective national force in the fight against ISIS, continues to defend our society. PKK asked nobody when it came to our rescue, and nobody was able to prevent it then. They came with a humane and national responsibility…We call upon the PKK: If you had not come to our rescue, we could have been wiped or Shengal could have been abandoned if survivors migrated from the city. With your arrival, you became the hope of our people, who have seen you as their security and decided to stay and resist under the most difficult conditions. Many of these people’s problems, such as security and administration, have not yet been resolved. We think that you still have a responsibility and, although you have not made an official statement or attempt, we do not think that it would be right for you to withdraw from Shengal. We believe that this society needs you and that you will be sensitive on this issue.’


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