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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 21.09.16, 20:31     Betreff: Saudi and foreign workers unite in rare protest over unpaid wages

Staff at a prestigious private hospital in Saudi Arabia entered the fourth day of an open-ended strike on Wednesday in protest over wages not being paid for almost four months.

Two doctors, one American and the other British, and two nurses, one Saudi and the other Jordanian, told MEE more than 1,200 staff at Saad Specialist Hospital in the eastern city of Khobar have not been paid since May.

Despite trade union activity being strictly banned in Saudi Arabia the staff have organised an ongoing strike that began on Sunday which they said would only end once all workers were paid what they were owed.

Stranded workers in Saudi Arabia plead for help as economy falters

Workers at a construction company in Saudi Arabia have issued an urgent plea for help, saying they are trapped and facing starvation because their employer is refusing to pay salaries or grant them permission to leave the country.

Foreign staff at building firm United Seemac told MEE the company's 500-plus employees have not been paid in months and that both the Saudi government and their embassies have done little to solve their increasingly desperate crisis.

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