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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 05.08.13, 18:40     Betreff: Pelican Bay to Palestine

In Pelican Bay and other prisons throughout California, approximately 30,000 inmates are nearing their second month of the largest prison hunger strike in US history. Committed to maintaining the strike indefinitely, they are demanding an end to a vast range of abuses, including solitary confinement, long-term isolation, denial of family contact, and absence of legal protections.

Palestinian hunger strikers have expressed their solidarity with inmates in California, urging them to stay strong in their commitment to ending their isolation and to remember that they are not alone. Internationally, as one, we stand — internationally, as one, we resist.

Pelican Bay to Palestine.jpg (278 kByte, 618 x 955 Pixel)
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