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Chloe 03.07.06, 13:56
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Chloe 03.07.06, 14:06
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Chloe 04.07.06, 19:03
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Chloe 04.07.06, 19:29
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Chloe 04.07.06, 19:33
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Chloe 04.07.06, 19:35
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Chloe 04.07.06, 19:49
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Rachel Bilson:

Hilary Duff:



Chloe 05.07.06, 18:27
No new posts Welcome
Willkommen bei Shoyra - The Starboard!!!
Hier findet ihr Bilder, News, Fanstuff, ...
Viel Spass!

Chloe 05.07.06, 19:11
No new posts Hilary Duff
Name: Hilary Ann Duff
Geburtsdatum: 28.9.1987
Geburtsort: Houston (Texas)
Wohnort: Kalifornien
Haarfarbe: Natur: Braun; Blond gefärbt
Augenfarbe: Braun-Grün
Geschwister: 1 ältere Schwester - Haylie
Eltern: Bob & Susan Duff
Vorbild: Schwester Haylie
Haustiere: 2 Hunde: Lil Dog & Remington
Lieblingssänger/in: Gwen Stefani, Vanessa Carlton, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Madonna, Mandy Moore, Macy Gray, Jessica Simpson, Pink, Michelle Branch, Justin Timberlake
Lieblingsschauspielerinnen: Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts
Lieblingsessen: Mexikanisch, Sushi, Oliven, Süßigkeiten, Gurken, Chicken, Fingers, Pickled Okra Ice Cream, Nudeln, Artischocken, Pizza
Lieblingsdessert: Schokoladenkuchen + Schokocookies
Lieblingstier: Hund
Lieblingsfilm: Ace Ventura
Lieblingsbuch: Holes
Lieblingsschulfach: Mathe & Geschichte
Lieblingsfarben: Blau, Grün, Rot
Sammelt: Hüte und Schuhe
Hobbies: Inlineskating, Tanzen, Shopping, Keramikdesign, Reiten
Make-Up: Stila, BeneFit, Hard Candy, Tony & Tina, MAC
Lieblingsspiel: Dance Dance Revolution
Lieblingshandtasche: Luis Vuitton
Traumauto: Schwarzer Mercedes CLK 320
Lieblings Lizzie McGuire Folge: "Innere Schönheit" und "Der Erste Kuss"
Lieblingsläden: XOXO, Bebe, Nicole Miller, Jimmy Jewels, Macy's, Nordstroms, Le Château, Bloomingdales, Juicy Couture, Miss Sixty, Bisou Bisou, Jennifer Kaufman, Jamie Lynn, West Seal, Rampage, Von Dutch
Lieblingskleidungstück: Das Top, das sie bei den Kids' Choice Awards 2004 trug und das Kleid, das sie bei den Grammy Awards 2004 getragen hat
Lieblingsserien: The Osbournes, Fear Factor, Gilmore Girls, Eine himmlische Familie
Ihre Filme: True Woman, Casper trifft Wendy, The Soul Collector, Human Nature, Der Soldat Kelly, Agent Cody Banks, Popstar auf Umwegen, Im Dutzend Billiger,
A Cinderella Story, Raise Your Voice, The Perfect Man
Bild: [img][/img]

Chloe 06.07.06, 17:04
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Chloe 07.07.06, 14:18
No new posts Shakira
Shakira - Hips don't lie

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Chloe 09.07.06, 22:49
No new posts Hilary Duff
Hilary Duff - Beat Of My Heart

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Chloe 09.07.06, 22:53
No new posts Re: Hilary Duff
Hilary Duff - Fly

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Chloe 09.07.06, 22:56
No new posts Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan - Confessions of a broken heart (Daughter to Father)

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Chloe 10.07.06, 12:39
No new posts Re: Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan - Rumours

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Chloe 10.07.06, 12:44
No new posts Re: Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan - Rumours (Live)

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Chloe 10.07.06, 12:50
No new posts Grand Open Layout
Hier seht ihr unsere erstes Layout:


Name: Yellow Summerblue
Online: 2.7.2006 - 8.7.2006
Kommentar: Dieses Layout wurde von mir selbst gemacht!

Chloe 12.07.06, 15:05
No new posts Layout 2
Layout 2:


Name: Navistars
Online: 8.7.2006 - 11.7.2006
Kommentar: Dieses Layout habe ich auch gemacht.

Chloe 12.07.06, 15:30
No new posts Layout 3
Layout 3:


Name: Mischa Bright
Online: 11.7.2006 - ??.??.2006
Kommentar: Dieses Layout habe ich selbst gemacht.

Chloe 12.07.06, 15:36
No new posts Hips don't lie von Shakira
Hips don't lie von Shakira

Ladies up in here tonight
No fighting, no fighting
We got the refugees up in here
No fighting, no fighting

Shakira, Shakira

I never really knew that she could dance like this
She makes a man wants to speak Spanish
Como se llama (si), bonita (si), mi casa (si, Shakira Shakira), su casa
Shakira, Shakira

Oh baby when you talk like that
You make a woman go mad
So be wise and keep on
Reading the signs of my body

And I'm on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel it's right
All the attraction, the tension
Don't you see baby, this is perfection

Hey Girl, I can see your body moving
And it's driving me crazy
And I didn't have the slightest idea
Until I saw you dancing

And when you walk up on the dance floor
Nobody cannot ignore the way you move your body, girl
And everything so unexpected - the way you right and left it
So you can keep on shaking it

I never really knew that she could dance like this
She makes a man want to speak Spanish
Como se llama (si), bonita (si), mi casa (si, Shakira Shakira), su casa
Shakira, Shakira

Oh baby when you talk like that
You make a woman go mad
So be wise and keep on
Reading the signs of my body

And I'm on tonight
You know my hips don't lie
And I am starting to feel you boy
Come on lets go, real slow
Don't you see baby asi es perfecto

Oh I know I am on tonight my hips don't lie
And I am starting to feel it's right
All the attraction, the tension
Don't you see baby, this is perfection
Shakira, Shakira

Oh boy, I can see your body moving
Half animal, half man
I don't, don't really know what I'm doing
But you seem to have a plan
My will and self restraint
Have come to fail now, fail now
See, I am doing what I can, but I can't so you know
That's a bit too hard to explain

Baila en la calle de noche
Baila en la calle de día

Baila en la calle de noche
Baila en la calle de día

I never really knew that she could dance like this
She makes a man want to speak Spanish
Como se llama (si), bonita (si), mi casa (si, Shakira Shakira), su casa
Shakira, Shakira

Oh baby when you talk like that
You know you got me hypnotized
So be wise and keep on
Reading the signs of my body

Senorita, feel the conga, let me see you move like you come from Colombia

Mira en Barranquilla se baila así, say it!
Mira en Barranquilla se baila así

She's so sexy every man's fantasy a refugee like me back with the Fugees from a 3rd world country
I go back like when 'pac carried crates for Humpty Humpty
I need a whole club dizzy
Why the CIA wanna watch us?
Colombians and Haitians
I ain't guilty, it's a musical transaction
No more do we snatch ropes
Refugees run the seas 'cause we own our own boats

I'm on tonight, my hips don't lie
And I'm starting to feel you boy
Come on let's go, real slow
Baby, like this is perfecto

Oh, you know I am on tonight and my hips don't lie
And I am starting to feel it's right
The attraction, the tension
Baby, like this is perfection

No fighting
No fighting

Chloe 20.07.06, 19:08
No new posts Rumours von Lindsay Lohan
Rumours von Lindsay Lohan

Saturday steppin' into the club
The music makes me wanna tell the DJ
Turn It Up
I feel the energy all around
And my body can't stop moving to the sound

But I can tell that you're watching me
And you're probably gonna write what you didn't see
Well I just need a little space to breathe
Can you please respect my privacy

Why can't you just let me
Do the things I wanna do
I just wanna be me
I don't understand why
Would you wanna bring me down
I'm only having fun
I'm gonna live my life
(but not the way you want me to)

I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is

Here we are back up in the club
People taking pictures
Don't you think they get enough
I just wanna be all over the floor
And throw my hands up in the air to a beat like (What?)

I've gotta say respectfully
I would like it if you take the cameras off of me
'Cause I just want a little room to breathe
Can you please respect my privacy

Why can't you just let me
Do the things I wanna do
I just wanna be me
I don't understand why
Would you wanna bring me down
I'm only having fun
I'm gonna live my life
But not the way you want me to

I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is

I just need to free my mind (my mind)
Just wanna dance and have a good time (good time)

I'm tired of rumors (rumors)
Followed (followed, followed, followed, followed, followed)

What they (follow) me
Why can't they (they they they-they-they) let me live

Take this for just what it is

I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
Why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is

I'm tired of rumors starting
I'm sick of being followed
I'm tired of people lying
Saying what they want about me
Why can't they back up off me
why can't they let me live
I'm gonna do it my way
Take this for just what it is
Chloe 20.07.06, 19:17
No new posts First von Lindsay Lohan
First von Lindsay Lohan

Is that someone you used to date
Why she's hanging around, what's her story
Doesn't she know that its too late
That the party is over and thats cause for me

Why dont u tell her what's been going on
Cuz she seems to be dreaming instead of just leaving
If you don't have the hart to fill her in
Then just step aside and let me lay it on the line

Cuz your mine
And tonight you dont live all around here
your mine
and this time I'm gonna scream a little louder

Dont wanna be like
every other girl in the world
like every other one who wants you
Cuz when I see you something inside me burn
and I realsize I wanna come first
I wanna come first

You look at me and I just die
Its like heaven arriving in my mind
and I cant believe all this jealousy
I used to be a girl who could let a guy breathe
But your mine
And tonight you live all around me
your mine
and this time I'm gonna get a little louder

I wanna be like
every other girl in the world
like every other one who wants you
Cuz when I see you something inside me burn
and I realize I wanna come first
(I wanna come first 2x)

Dont wanna be like every girl who's tried to get you
I wanna be the one who's never falling like she met you
I wanna come first 2x

Chorus 2x
Chloe 20.07.06, 21:45
No new posts Just Missed The Train von Kelly Clarkson
Just Missed The Train von Kelly Clarkson

Roll over baby
The time has come
To make a little more room
I’ve hung around you
It’s getting tough
I think I’m gonna break down soon
Cuz I remember
Crying in the park
It was getting dark
Suddenly I woke up
You were my sky

So go on
And sleep darlin
Why don’t you pretend we were just a dream
It’s clear baby
It doesn’t matter anyway
Well I’m so sorry
Down to the station a little too late
Such a shame
Just missed the train
Just missed the train

Be quiet angel
Don’t make a sound
Just save it for a rainy day
Oh can’t you see me
I’m such a mess
Just trying hard to find my way
You remember wasting all the time
We were feeling fine
But we couldn’t walk the line
We were all right

So go on
And sleep darlin
Why don’t you pretend we were just a dream
It’s clear baby
It doesn’t matter anyway
Well I’m so sorry
Got to the station a little too late
Such a shame
Just missed the train

Oh why let strangers pass us by
Didn’t anyone see we were so (?)
(don’t know this line)…..


So sleep darlin
Why don’t you pretend we were just a dream
It’s clear baby
It doesn’t matter anyway
Well I’m so sorry
Got to the station a little too late
And sleep darlin
Why don’t you pretend we were just a dream
It’s clear baby
It doesn’t matter anyway
Well I’m so sorry
Got to the station a little too late
Such a shame
Just missed the train
Chloe 20.07.06, 21:53
No new posts Miss Independent von Kelly Clarkson
Miss Independent von Kelly Clarkson

(Verse 1)
Miss Independent
Miss self-sufficient
Miss keep your distance, mmmm

Miss unafraid
Miss out of my way
Miss don't let a man interfere, no

Miss on her own
Miss almost grown
Miss never let a man help her off her throne

So, by keeping her heart protected
She'll never, ever feel rejected
Little miss apprehensive
Said ooh, she fell in love

What is this feeling taking over?
Thinking no one could open the door
Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real
What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?
Goodbye, old you, when love, is true

(Verse 2)
Miss guided heart
Miss play it smart
Miss if you wanna use that line, you better not start, no

But she miscalculated
She didn't wanna end up jaded
And this miss decided not to miss out on true love

So, by changing a misconception
She went in a new direction
And found inside, she felt a connection
She fell in love

What is this feeling taking over?
Thinking no one could open the door
Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real
What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?
Goodbye, old you, when love, is true (when love, is true)

When miss independent walked away
No time for love that came her way
She looked in the mirror and thought today
What happened to miss no longer afraid?
It took some time for her to see
How beautiful love could truly be
No more talk of why can't that be me
I'm so glad I've finally seen

What is this feeling taking over?
Thinking no one could open the door
Surprise, it's time, to feel what's real
What happened to miss independent's no longer need to be defensive?
Goodbye, old you, when love, is true (when love, is true)

Miss Independent
Chloe 21.07.06, 09:48
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Chloe 23.07.06, 12:54
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Chloe 23.07.06, 13:01
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Chloe 23.07.06, 13:19
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Chloe 31.07.06, 14:16
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