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palestina libera

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New PostErstellt: 01.09.16, 21:59     Betreff: Turkey rejects US claims of ceasefire with Syrian Kurds

Turkish ministers say country does not accept US announcement of 'loose' truce with YPG fighters in northern Syria

Fighters in Jarablus say they will continue their fight against the Turkish state invasion. Fighters demand international groups to stand against the occupation of Turkish state and their allied gangs.

Deutschland hilft Erdogan bei der Kurdenverfolgung

Kurdische und türkische linke Oppositionelle werden in Deutschland inhaftiert, ohne dass sie Straftaten begangen haben

A conference titled “The Urgent Situation in Northern Syria, Turkish Invasion, Europe’s Security and An Alternative to the Turkey Deal” has been held in the European Parliament in the Belgian capital Brussels today. The conference hosted by Slovakian EP deputy Branislav Skripek was held in Anna Politikovska Conference Hall. PYD Co-chair Saleh Moslem and David Vergili in the name of the European Syriac Union attended the conference as speakers. Attendance was high in the conference. Branislav Skripek gave the opening speech and said they were there to draw attention to the situation Rojava is in, and that “There is a serious fight against ISIS in Rojava. Everybody should take their part in it.”

Heute, am 30.08.16 wurde der kurdische Aktivist Mustafa Çelik vom Oberlandesgericht Celle wegen Mitgliedschaft in einer „terroristischen Vereinigung im Ausland“ – gemeint ist die Arbeiterpartei Kurdistan (PKK) – nach §§ 129a, 129b StGB zu 2 Jahren und 6 Monaten Haft verurteilt worden.

Hochrangige kurdische Politikerinnen und Politiker kündigen Hungerstreik an, um das Ende der Kontaktsperre zu dem PKK-Gründer zu erzwingen

According to an IHD report, 1,552 people -who include soldiers, police, village guards, militants and civilians- died in the Kurdish cities during the period from July 24, 2015 to July 24, 2016. 1,683 others were wounded.

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