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palestina libera

Beiträge: 1665

New PostErstellt: 16.10.16, 12:48     Betreff: In struggle against PKK, Turkey takes flight

As noted Sept. 12 in Al-Monitor, in “Ankara hardening anti-PKK strategy,” the Turkish government, confident in its declaration of a state of emergency and experience gained in its struggle against the Gulen movement, has settled on a strategy of total liquidation of the PKK to the exclusion of attempts at deterrence. In this regard, Ankara last month introduced on the battlefield the Turkish-made medium-altitude, long-endurance Bayraktar TB2 armed unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). The drone's manufacturer, Baykar Makina, is owned by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s son-in-law Selcuk Bayraktar.

ISIS emir Abdullah: Turks are the MVPs of ISIS

ISIS emir Ahmet Osman Abdullah, code name Ebu Omer Ceza, who surrendered to the YPG made striking confessions on Turkey-ISIS relations.

ISIS emir Ahmet Osman Abdullah escaped from ISIS in 2015 and surrendered to the YPG and has been arrested for some 10 months. Ahmet Osman Abdullah spoke about why he joined ISIS, what he saw once he was there, the conflicts he experienced, the relationship between ISIS and the Turkish state and why he surrendered to the YPG.

Shehba people: Turkish army and affiliated gangs force us to migrate

Civilians from Shehba region who have been through a forced displacement due to the attacks of the Turkish state and affiliated gangs spoke to ANHA.

The displaced civilians stated that Turkish jets bombed their villages and made the affiliated gangs attack them with the goal of invading the region.

80-year old mother Meryem from Soran territory of Shehba stated that Turkish jets bombed their village and made their living areas uninhabitable.

Turkey's invasion from Jarablus to Exterin: 50 villages evacuated

Kurdish protests continue in Iran despite government crackdown

Iranian paramilitary forces arrested dozens of Kurdish activists on Friday amid continuing anti-government protests.

The demonstrations broke out last Tuesday in Iran’s restive Kurdish region. Hundreds of angry Kurds took to the streets in the cities of Mariwan and Mahabad to condemn “suppression by the Iranian authorities.” The protests have now spread to other cities, including Sanandaj, the capital of Kordestan Province.

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